Douglas Lighting Controls (MC-6000) Replacement
Customer office tower had an existing Douglas MC-6000 based Lighting Control system (using Douglas's MC-6210 CPU, MC6308 Input, and MC-6416 Relay modules) that was installed in the mid 90's and has been unsupported since the early 2000's. Over time the customer was forced to hard-wire various lighting loads to maintain lighting along with consuming energy 24 hours per day. Recognizing that this was problematic wasteful, and could not continue a mainstream lighting vendor selected to perform an upgrade. However, the overall cost, extensive deployment/commissioning delays/issues, inadequate support, and the need to use/support a proprietary control architecture stimulated the customer to halt upgrades that were not yet completed. S2 was engaged and identified that the S2BACLightDP as being a very cost effective and easily implemented solution that the customer would greatly benefit from. After a successful smaller evaluation project, the customer committed to using S2 and the S2BACLightDP for the remainder of the building.
- All existing Douglas based lighting controllers were replaced with the S2BACLigjhtDP controllers while maintaining all of the existing electrical infrastructure including the cabinets, wiring, conduit, switches, and even the very old, but working early Douglas 2-wire relays (WR6321).
- Each of the customer's Douglas Lighting panels took approximately 1 hour to be upgraded which included Bacnet Integration into the customer's BMS. Thirteen Douglas Lighting panels containing 214 relays were upgraded in approximately 1.5 days.
- S2 has provided the customer and their base building contractors complete and thorough Project and S2BACLight documentation, configuration software, and detailed reports outlining relay load descriptions and electrical circuit numbers.
- Project cost was substantially less (60%) than the previous upgrade solution, but with more features, functionality, and direct BMS integration (Bacnet IP) and in so doing allowing the customer to self maintain and/or use their preferred base building contractor for ongoing changes.
Future Considerations:
- Should the existing old Douglas relays become problematic, S2 has a very cost effective solution to upgrade the existing old relays to the latest and available 2-wire relay style.
- Should the existing Douglas Switches become problematic or if the customer wishes to modernize these switches, S2 has several direct replacement Douglas switch compatible options to suit the customer's budget and aesthetics.
- 0 -10V or Dali dimming, wireless (Wifi, Bluetooth Mesh, etc), are also available should the customer wishes to extended their lighting control capabilities to include these technologies.